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Kulshan Randonnée Volunteer Signup

Sat May 17, 2025 Concrete, WA 98237 US Directions

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Thursday Course Setup

Course Marking -- Thursday May 15th High Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Thursday the majority of the course will be marked. Ski Volunteers will be teamed up and given a section of the course they will be responsible marking. Snowmobile Volunteers will help shuttle equipment (course markers and flags) and Ski Volunteers into locations to begin marking.

Ski Volunteers will need touring equipment and all Volunteers will need avi gear. More information will be provided (packing list, coordinating instructions, etc) in the months leading up to the race.


Mount Baker National Recreation Area.

Friday Check In/Course Setup

Course Marking -- Friday May 16th Low Priority

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Friday course marking will finish any sections that did not get completed on Thursday. Any final gear and equipment will be transported by snowmobile to the correct spot. Both skiers and snowmobilers will be needed on Friday on the mountain.


Mount Baker National Recreation Area.

Race Check In -- Friday May 16th High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


All Race Teams will go through Racer Check In on Friday in Concrete, WA. Racers will need to sign waivers, pick up their bibs and schwag items before moving on to their Skills Check Offs. Also help out with the Racer Meeting Friday evening after Racer Check In closes.

No special gear or skills needed.


The Hub Bar & Grill, Concrete, WA

Skills Check Offs -- Friday May 16th High Priority

At least 4 more volunteers needed.


All Race Teams will cycle through three Skill Stations (listed below). Volunteers will observe Race Teams during the test to verify all criteria is met. Volunteers will receive training on the specific testing criteria before the event via email and on site Friday morning from the Safety Team Director.

Skill Stations:
- Setup for rope team glacial travel
- 3:1 crevasse rescue haul system
- Rope ascension with prussiks/ascenders

Knowledge of rope systems above preferable.


The Hub Bar & Grill, Concrete, WA

Saturday Race Operations

Snowmobile Support -- Saturday May 17th High Priority

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


Snowmobiles will help in a variety of duties for race day. Snowmobiles will be needed to shuttle Check Point Volunteers into location, manage transportation of any rescues or Racer evacuations, transport course markers downhill once they are picked up, and shuttle gear in from the Race Start to the Race Finish at Schreibers Meadows.


Mount Baker National Recreation Area

Start/Finish Volunteers -- Saturday May 17th

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


Start/Finish Volunteers will help with all the logistics down in the valley. After the Race Start, volunteers will help load snowmobiles to shuttle Finish Line equipment to Schreiber's Meadows (Finish Line), help time, cook food, hand out Finisher's Awards, shuttle racers to their cars, drink beer, etc.


Mount Baker National Recreation Area

Park Butte Check Point -- Saturday May 17th High Priority

Minimum met.


Volunteers will positioned at Park Butte Lookout Tower. Primary duties will be to keep track of Team #s as they pass, deliver any aid, and ensure racer safety. Volunteers may have snowmobile support to assist them with transportation to their Check Point, but they should be prepared to travel under their own power via touring/snowshoeing.

Park Butte will be a feed/water station. Volunteers should know how to operate a white gas stove like an MSR Whisperlite. If volunteers wanted, you could setup camp and stay at the aid station Friday night to be ready for Saturday morning. Could sleep inside the lookout tower.


Park Butte Lookout Tower (top of first ascent)

Mazama Park Check Point -- Saturday May 17th High Priority

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Volunteers will positioned at Check Points along the course. Primary duties will be to keep track of Team #s as they pass, deliver any aid, and ensure racer safety. Volunteers may have snowmobile support to assist them with transportation to their Check Point, but they should be prepared to travel under their own power via touring/snowshoeing.

If volunteers wanted, you could setup camp and stay at the aid station Friday night and get to have a relaxed Saturday morning instead of getting up super early.


Mazama Park (bottom of second descent)

Railroad Grade Check Point -- Saturday May 17th Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Volunteers will positioned at Check Points along the course. Primary duties will be to keep track of Team #s as they pass, deliver any aid, and ensure racer safety. Volunteers may have snowmobile support to assist them with transportation to their Check Point, but they should be prepared to travel under their own power via touring/snowshoeing.


Railroad Grade (middle of second ascent)

Easton Check Point -- Saturday May 17th High Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


Volunteers will positioned at Check Points along the course. Primary duties will be to keep track of Team #s as they pass, deliver any aid, and ensure racer safety. Volunteers may have snowmobile support to assist them with transportation to their Check Point, but they should be prepared to travel under their own power via touring/snowshoeing.

Sandy Camp will be a feed/water station station. Volunteers should know how to operate a white gas stove like an MSR Whisperlite. If volunteers wanted, you could setup camp and stay at the aid station Friday night and get to have a relaxed Saturday morning instead of getting up super early.


Sandy Camp (top of second ascent)

Salad Bowl Check Point -- Saturday May 17th High Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


Volunteers will positioned at Check Points along the course. Primary duties will be to keep track of Team #s as they pass, deliver any aid, and ensure racer safety. Volunteers may have snowmobile support to assist them with transportation to their Check Point, but they should be prepared to travel under their own power via touring/snowshoeing.

Salad Bowl will have a course cutoff of 7 hours. Volunteers will need to have any team arriving after 7 hours descend directly back to the trailhead/Finish. If volunteers wanted, you could setup camp and stay at the aid station Friday night and get to have a relaxed Saturday morning instead of getting up super early.


Salad Bowl (bottom of second descent)

Squak Check Point -- Saturday May 17th High Priority

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.


Volunteers will positioned at Check Points along the course. Primary duties will be to keep track of Team #s as they pass, deliver any aid, ensure racers are roping up as a team, and ensure racer safety. Volunteers may have snowmobile support to assist them with transportation to their Check Point, but they should be prepared to travel under their own power via touring/snowshoeing.

Squak Bottom will be a feed/water station station. Volunteers should know how to operate a white gas stove like an MSR Whisperlite. If volunteers wanted, you could setup camp and stay at the aid station Friday night and get to have a relaxed Saturday morning instead of getting up super early.


Bottom of Squak Glacier (rope up point)

Heart Rock Check Point -- Saturday May 17th High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Volunteers will positioned at Check Points along the course. Primary duties will be to keep track of Team #s as they pass, deliver any aid, and ensure racer safety. Volunteers may have snowmobile support to assist them with transportation to their Check Point, but they should be prepared to travel under their own power via touring/snowshoeing.

One Checkpoint volunteer will be positioned closely nearby at the large crevasse near 8,900'.

If volunteers wanted, you could setup camp and stay at the aid station Friday night and get to have a relaxed Saturday morning instead of getting up super early.


Heart Rock (top of Squak Glacier)

Pop Can Check Point -- Saturday May 17th High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Volunteers will positioned at Check Points along the course. Primary duties will be to keep track of Team #s as they pass, deliver any aid, and ensure racer safety. Volunteers may have snowmobile support to assist them with transportation to their Check Point, but they should be prepared to travel under their own power via touring/snowshoeing.

Volunteer should be ready to ski down through the final 1,500' wooded descent to the finish to pinpoint an injury and deliver aid if need be before our Response Teams can get on site. Medical experience would be helpful.


Near treeline (around 5k') on the final descent

Course Sweep -- Saturday May 17th Medium Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Sweep Volunteers will follow the last place race team. Primary duties are to maintain accountability of where the Racers are out on the course and maintain safety. Secondary duties will be to accumulate course markers into packages for transportation off the mountain by snowmobile. Sweeps should be able to comfortably complete the entire course in the 10 hour cutoff.


Mount Baker National Recreation Area

Shuttle Driver- Saturday May 17th

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Drive Uhaul pickup to shuttle race teams from Finish back down to Start.

Sunday Cleanup

Sunday Cleanup -- Sunday May 18th Medium Priority

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


Ideally all course markers should be transported off the mountain by the race end Saturday, but we will plan for one team to head back out on Sunday for any last cleanup/remediation that needs to happen. At least one snowmobile would be helpful.

Also, help in Concrete packing/organizing would be appreciated as well.


Mount Baker National Recreation Area
Concrete, WA

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