Results For
NJ Revolutionary Battles Virtual Challenge Presented by CompuScore

Any City - Any State, NJ 99999

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Year 2024 2024 2023 2022
Result Set Northern Half 120 miles (2mi/day average)
Monmouth to Paulus Hook (1 Mile/Day Average)
--- Select Results --- Northern Half 120 miles (2mi/day average)
Monmouth to Paulus Hook (1 Mile/Day Average)
Virtual Monmouth to Paulus Hook (1 Mile/Day Average)
Monmouth to Paulus Hook (1 Mile/Day Average)
Through the Pine Barrens 60 miles (1mi/day average)
Valley Forge to Monmouth (1.7 Miles/Day Average)
Virtual Valley Forge to Monmouth (1.7 Miles/Day Average)
Valley Forge to Monmouth (1.7 Miles/Day Average)
Around Relay (or Relay of 1) 250 miles (4.2mi/day average)
Valley Forge to Paulus Hook Relay (or Relay of 1) (2.7 Miles/Day Average)
Virtual Valley Forge to Paulus Hook Relay (or Relay of 1) (2.7 Miles/Day Average)
Valley Forge to Paulus Hook Relay (or Relay of 1) (2.7 Miles/Day Average)
Participant Lookup & Tracking --- Select Results --- Through the Pine Barrens 60 miles (1mi/day average)
Through the Pine Barrens 60 miles (1mi/day average)
Northern Half 120 miles (2mi/day average)
Northern Half 120 miles (2mi/day average)
Southern Half 186.6 miles (3.11mi/day average)
Southern Half 186.6 miles (3.11mi/day average)
Around Relay (or Relay of 1) 250 miles (4.2mi/day average)
Around Relay (or Relay of 1) 250 miles (4.2mi/day average)
Participant Lookup & Tracking --- Select Results --- Hercules 91.50 miles (0.75mi/day average)
Hercules 91.50 miles (0.75mi/day average)
Apollo 255 miles (2mi/day average)
Apollo 255 miles (2mi/day average)
Atalanti 381 miles (3.11mi/day average)
Atalanti 381 miles (3.11mi/day average)
Zeus Relay (or Relay of 1) 545 miles (4.45mi/day average)
Zeus Relay (or Relay of 1) 545 miles (4.45mi/day average)
Participant Lookup & Tracking
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