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Coke Race #2

Sat March 1, 2025 Durango, CO 81301 US Directions


7.5K Skate

10:00AM MST

7.5K Classic

11:15AM MST

3K Freestyle

10:45AM MST

1.5K Freestyle

10:50AM MST


49786 Hwy 550 N
Durango, CO US 81301



This long standing Durango event brings skiers together to celebrate winter from beginning to end. We will have a skate and a classic race at the longer distance. Schedule & course map will be posted mid-week.

Location: Durango Nordic Center

Race Lengths: 7.5 km (adult) skate & classic races; 3 or 1.5 km (kids) freestyle

Schedule (Subject to change): 

9 am Bib pick-up & registration

10 am 7.5 skate

10:45 am 3 km skate or classic

10:50 am 1.5 km skate or classic

11:15 am 7.5 classic*** If you need classic skis, email for a discounted rental. Note that our rental skis are not performance skis but they’ll get the job done if you just want to give it a go!

12:00 awards on the deck

Medals will be awarded to the first three female and male finishers in each distance. Medal ceremony will take place near the start/finish line after the race.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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