Welcome to the TC Running Premium Club Package!! Membership in TC Running is free of charge and open to everyone. Just LIKE us on Facebook and show up and run.... actually you can just show up and run (but Facebook will help you know when and where). Regardless, many TC Running members have asked for a more official membership package. To fulfill that request, we now offer the TC Running Premium Club Package annual subscription. This is an optional subscription and does not impact your standing as a member of the club, but does add the following great annual benefits and services to your existing membership:
1. Annual member appreciation gift (such as TCR club shirt, mug, hat or other as authorized by the Club).
2. Automatic discount on all TCR races (TC Marathon/Half, Pineapple 5K Halloween Half).
3. Access to other race discounts that TC Running negotiates.
4. Free listing and coverage on the TC Running RRCA club insurance policy.
5. An opportunity for awards and recognition at the annual TC Running Holiday Party.
6. Free and automatic registration into the TC Running Race Series.
7. Any other benefits being a TCR Premium Club Member brings.
Thank you for taking the extra step in supporting the endurance running community on the Treasure Coast. 100% of the proceeds from your TCR Premium Club Package goes towards maintaining the club in support of programs that enable our community athletes on the Treasure Coast.
You are invited to attend the monthly TC Running Board Meetings, which are public and open to all. They are held on the first Monday of each month. The time and location is published each month on the TC Running community (group) FaceBook page (https://www.facebook.com/groups/TreasureCoastRunning) but be sure to contact a member of the club or the current TC Running President if you do not find the meeting information.
Name | Title |
Mike Melton | President |
Betty Hickox | Vice-President |
Brenda Wilson | Treasurer |
Jessica Vanvalkenburgh | Secretary |
John McDonald | Membership Chair |
John Trahan | Immediate Past President |
If you have any questions about this club, click the button below.
As a member of this club, you can get discounts for the following races: